"La maison des Toros"

Rencontrez nos conseillers

Les conseillers du lycée Torres s'engagent à garantir que votre élève ait accès à la meilleure éducation possible. Nous travaillerons dur pour aider les étudiants à atteindre leurs objectifs académiques en matière de préparation à l’université et à la carrière une fois diplômés.
Contact your counselor via their e-mail address, listed below, or call (559) 416-5909
Sara Bonilla
Conseiller en chef

All 10th Grade: Engineering
All 12th Grade:
Engineering & Manufacturing
Emplacement du bureau: Centre de carrière

Léticia Herrera

9e année: P-Z
11e année : N-Z
9e et 11e années : Manufacturing
Emplacement du bureau: Bâtiment H

Book A Meeting

Marisol Iniguez

9e année: A-D
11e année :
9e et 11e années :
Emplacement du bureau: Bâtiment H

Lire ma biographie | Book A Meeting

Yen Moua

9e année: E-O
11e année : F-M
Emplacement du bureau: Bâtiment H

Book A Meeting

Janette Oregel

10ème année: GE-P
12e année: GE-N
Emplacement du bureau: Un bâtiment

Lire ma biographie | Book A Meeting

Edith Verhalen

10ème année: A-GA
12e année: A-GA
Emplacement du bureau: Un bâtiment

Book A Meeting

Véronique Villarreal

10ème année: Q-Z
12th Grade: O-Z
All 10th Grade: Manufacturing
Emplacement du bureau: Un bâtiment

Book A Meeting

Vous pouvez également nous rendre visite sur nos sites de médias sociaux à l'adresse suivante :



Opportunités de crédit universitaire

Advanced Placement

AP classes offer a challenging and stimulating educational experience for college bound students. When compared to other high school courses, AP classes often take more time, require more work, and give greater opportunity for individual growth and accomplishment. In May, AP exams are taken and scored on a 5-point scale. Most major colleges and universities recognize scores of 3, 4, or 5 for college credit. The amount of credit varies by institution. Students needing special accommodations must notify their teacher and the AP Coordinator upon enrollment in the course.

Why Take AP?
Dual Enrollment Madera Center

In the spring students enrolled in Medical Terminology will have the opportunity to take OT 10 and earn 3 college credits and 10 high school elective credits.

College & Career Readiness

California Colleges provides students with an all-inclusive guide for their college & career paths & enables educators to track their progress.


Calculateur GPA

How to Calculate your GPA

To graduate from high school, students must maintain a minimum overall graduation grade point average or gpa of 2.0. To figure out a current semester GPA, assign the correct points to each grade. For example, if you received an “A” in a class, it equals 4 points, “B” equals 3 points, “C” equals 2 points, “D” equals 1 and “F” equals 0. Add the total grade points earned in all of the classes together, and divide by the total number of classes to get your GPA.

RangeClass PeriodCalculation
A = 41st PeriodA = 4
B = 32nd PeriodB = 3
C = 23rd PeriodA = 4
D = 14th PeriodC = 2
F = 05th PeriodD = 1
6th PeriodA = 4
± 18

18 divided by 6 = 3.0 GPA

Conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Transcripts & Records

If you are a Matilda Torres High School graduate or current student, use the link below.

If you are a High School and would like to request student records for a transfer, use the link below

Health & Wellness

Ressources socio-émotionnelles

Our Counselors, School Psychologists, Clinicians, and BCBA are in the process of collecting and curating social-emotional resources to support our students and families during the school closure.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

Student-athletes and parents interested in NCAA Division I and Division II requirements, see the NCAA Website. It is recommended you start preparing for NCAA qualifications when you are a freshman as certain academic requirements need to be met to qualify.

Contact your students athletic coach and/or their counselor for more information.

Information d'inscription

New Students

Any student that needs to enroll in MatildaTorres High School needs to complete the online registration process by clicking here.  If you need assistance in completing the online registration process you can visit one of the parent resource centers or come to the front office at Matilda Torres High School.  Once the online registration process is complete and the required documents have been received you will be scheduled for an appointment with a counselor to enroll.

Maribel Zandate, Registrar
Phone: (559) 416-5909 Ext. 43079

California State Seal of Biliteracy

The website contains information about the California State Seal of Biliteracy program and its requirements for students. The State Seal of Biliteracy, marked by a gold seal on the diploma or transcript, recognizes high school students who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing one or more languages in addition to English. Here are examples of how a student can attain the Seal of Biliteracy.



Madera Unified 9th and 10th grade students are scheduled to take the PSAT, and all 11th grade students are scheduled to take the SAT 2021-22 school year.  More information will be provided in Fall 2021.

The new PSAT/NMSQT includes a Reading Test, Writing and Language Test, and a Math Test. Test booklets and scored answer documents will be returned to students once received and an email will be sent out with information on how to review and interpret results.

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