"Home of the Toros"
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Battle of the Classes Week

Spirit Days - Monday, 3/27 - Greetings from the Mountains (Wear Plaid/Flannels) Tuesday, 3/28 - Greetings from the Big City (Dress Preppy or Wear Puffer Jackets/street wear) Wednesday, 3/29 - Tony Packs His […]

B. Volleyball vs Roosevelt

Matilda Torres High School, 16645 Rd 26, Madera, CA 93638, USA

Game times: 3:30, 4:30, 5:30

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ELAC Meeting 4, 2023

Matilda Torres High School Lecture Hall 16645 Road 26, Madera

ELAC Meeting 4, on Thursday March 30th, 6:00-7:00 PM in the Lecture Hall, Childcare will be provided.


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Always OnTorres HS