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"Hogar de los Toros"
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G. Water Polo @ Chowchilla High

Chowchilla High School, 805 Humboldt Ave, Chowchilla, CA 93610, USA

El partido fuera de casa comienza a las 15:30 horas.

G. Volleyball vs Roosevelt High

Escuela secundaria Matilda Torres, 16645 Rd 26, Madera, CA 93638, EE. UU.

Home game- Frosh, JV, Varsity; 3:30/ 4:30/ 5:30pm

G. Volleyball vs Roosevelt High

Escuela secundaria Matilda Torres, 16645 Rd 26, Madera, CA 93638, EE. UU.

Home game- Frosh, JV, Varsity; 3:30/ 4:30/ 5:30pm

B. Water Polo @ Chowchilla High

Chowchilla High School, 805 Humboldt Ave, Chowchilla, CA 93610, USA

El partido fuera de casa comienza a las 16:30 horas.

B. Water Polo @ Chowchilla High

Chowchilla High School, 805 Humboldt Ave, Chowchilla, CA 93610, USA

El partido fuera de casa comienza a las 16:30 horas.

Campo a través en Woodward Park

Woodward Park, Fresno, CA, USA

Golden Eagle Invitational, times subject to change, please see coach for updated times.

Campo a través en Woodward Park

Woodward Park, Fresno, CA, USA

Golden Eagle Invitational, times subject to change, please see coach for updated times.

Football @ Sanger West High

Escuela secundaria Sanger West, 1850 S Fowler Ave, Fresno, CA 93727, EE. UU.

Away game- JV starts at 5:00; Varsity at 7:30

Football @ Sanger West High

Escuela secundaria Sanger West, 1850 S Fowler Ave, Fresno, CA 93727, EE. UU.

Away game- JV starts at 5:00; Varsity at 7:30

G. Volleyball @ Orestimba Tournament

Orestimba High School, 707 Hardin Rd, Newman, CA 95360, USA

Frosh Tournament, times will be updated at a later time.

G. Volleyball @ Orestimba Tournament

Orestimba High School, 707 Hardin Rd, Newman, CA 95360, USA

Frosh Tournament, times will be updated at a later time.

G. Tennis vs Fresno High

Escuela secundaria Matilda Torres, 16645 Rd 26, Madera, CA 93638, EE. UU.

El partido en casa comienza a las 15:00 horas.