"Hogar de los Toros"
alexis cruz
Historia | Ciencias Sociales

Acerca de mí

Hello, I’m Mr. Cruz! I was born in Fresno but raised in Madera. I graduated from Madera High and went off to Southeastern University in Florida to receive my degree in Multidisciplinary Studies. I served as a substitute teacher before I decided to pursue teaching full-time and received my Social Science credential from UC Merced. I am humbled and honored to give back to the city that raised me and be a teacher to students in my own community. A piece of advice that I will always carry is a quote from the great Pat Summit who said “They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” I try to live this everyday as a teacher for all my students as well as make history as exciting as possible for them. My faith as well as family & friends drive and motivate me everyday to be a better person as well. When I am not in the classroom I am reading or watching anything history related, playing video games, or watching & playing soccer & football.

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