Baseball @ Madera South
Madera SouthJV: 3:00, V: 6:00
JV: 3:00, V: 6:00
JV: 3:00, V: 6:00
Prohibida la actividad deportiva y el uso de las instalaciones durante los días.
Las puertas se abren a las 6:00 p.m. Admisión SOLO mediante boleto. Haga clic aquí para más información.
Prohibida la actividad deportiva y el uso de las instalaciones durante los días.
Registration is MANDATORY for ALL Incoming 9th Graders What to Bring: MUSD Returning 9th Graders 1.) Proof of residency (PG&E Bill, Phone Bill, ID, Driver’s License, Cable/Internet Bill)Anyone NEW to the district (recently moved to MUSD or attended a charter school):1.) Your immunization records 2.) Proof of residency. (PG&E Bill, Phone Bill, ID, Driver’s License, Cable/Internet Bill)
Registration is only for students that are NEW to Torres High School for the 2024-2025 School Year. What to Bring: 1.) Your immunization records2.) Proof of residency. (PG&E Bill, Phone Bill, ID, Driver’s License, Cable/Internet Bill)
Registration is only for students that are NEW to Torres High School for the 2024-2025 School Year. What to Bring: 1.) Your immunization records2.) Proof of residency. (PG&E Bill, Phone Bill, ID, Driver’s License, Cable/Internet Bill)
Times: Last Name A-L 9am-11:30am Last Name M-Z 1pm-3:30pm We can't wait to Welcome the Class of 2028 to Toro Nation! Join us for Games, Music, Campus Tours, Schedule Pick-Up, and More! FREE T-Shirts for all Freshmen in Attendance.
Var: 9:00 AM Horarios del torneo a definir, consulte con el entrenador los horarios del torneo.